Saturday, August 31, 2019

Professionalism in Nursing Essay

Abstract Nursing requires not only having the education and compassion of helping others; it requires having a professional outlook. Having and displaying a professional outlook requires you to have the attitude and appearance and the willingness to help others. Professionalism in Nursing Professionalism In order to understand the concept of professionalism, we first need to define the word profession. Webster describes profession as a â€Å"chosen, paid occupation requiring prolonged training and formal qualification.† Professionals therefore can be defined as individuals expected to display competent and skillful behaviors in alignment with their profession. Being professional then is the act of behaving in a manner defined and expected by the chosen profession. This framework for professionalism in nursing began with our early roots with Florence Nightingale who set the bar rather high in regards to giving of herself to others and her expectation of excellence in practice. She was an inventor, a visionary, a missionary and she delivered all with a commitment to passion and love. We as nurses are no different. We bear the tremendous responsibility of upholding the values of our profession. Our core nursing values define the driving force that dictates our beliefs and our behaviors.( Welling RE, Boberg JT. 2010) Nursing as a profession embodies many values inherent in those who pursue nursing careers. When nurses are asked to identify their core values, they are surprisingly consistent throughout the profession globally. They include honesty, responsibility, pursuit of new knowledge, belief in human dignity, equality of all patients and the desire to prevent and alleviate suffering. In other words, all of us as nurses have chosen this profession to help others in need and to improve the quality of life for all. That mantra has not changed since the days of Florence Nightingale.( Welling RE, Boberg JT. 2010) So how does this transfer to the expectations of your practice wherever you interface with patients? Your professionalism will be judged in your personal behaviors and how you present yourself to all those around you, and through those behaviors, you tell the world who you are. Components of your professionalism include your attitude, your appearance and your willingness to help others.(Doukas, D.J 2009) Attitude Attitude is everything! The way you view your world and portray that view to others is everything. I am sure that you all can identify someone in your work environment with a terrible attitude that does their best to make the rest of the staff miserable. Unfortunately, many times they are successful pulling everyone into the puddle with them. People behave like this because they are looking for attention and by sucking everyone else into their drama they get that attention and control the environment. This type of behavior is counter to the expectations of the nursing profession to focus on helping others rather than focusing on our own problems. Personal issues need to be left at home and not taken into the work area. There are always going to be times when we face issues in our lives that threaten our positive outlook. I find it helpful to be grateful for everything I have. I believe that waking up in the morning is the best thing that can happen to me and the rest of the day becomes a gift. My mom told me this story about how she had the opportunity to meet a wonderful lady who lost her daughter to cancer recently. A tremendous lesson for her was to be grateful for every minute she had with her daughter and to convert the â€Å"have to’s† to the â€Å"get to’s.† When her daughter was depressed that she had to go for more chemotherapy, she reframed that to the fact that she â€Å"got to† go for more chemotherapy which kept her alive for much longer. If we begin to be grateful for what we have, our whole outlook on life changes and the way we relate to people becomes more meaningful. Be grateful because you â€Å"get to† be a nurse, you get to pick up your kids from sports, you get to go grocery shopping, you get to wake up in the morning: the list goes on and on.(Cruess, R.L 2006)( Blumenthal D. 2009) Appearance There is no way around the fact that people judge you by your personal appearance. Clean scrubs, neat hair, clean shoes and a well groomed look makes the statement that you care about yourself as a person and therefore have the capacity to care about others. People that look sloppy may be perceived by others as unorganized, lazy, and uncaring. If you do not care about yourself, how can you truly care for others? A little attention to how you look goes a long way to display your professionalism.(Welling, R.N 2010)( Blumenthal D.2009) Willingness to Help Others What has amazed me in nursing since I have been going to different clinical sites for 4 years is the observation that nurses do not necessarily support each other as we should. There needs to be solidarity in our profession, and yet, what I have observed, is a more individualized approach where we, as nurses, are more worried about ourselves than the whole of the profession. This translates into your willingness to help others and to work together as a team, as well as speak positively about your profession whenever you can. Remember, your profession is different than your job. At times we, as nurses, may tend to talk negatively about the nursing profession because we do not like where we work, and that you have control over. There is no question that nursing is a tough profession, both physically and mentally, and that with changes in the economy and the pressures of health care reform, the work environment will become even more challenging. To survive and actually thrive in nursing, we will all need to pull together as a profession and begin by working together at the bedside and being great team players willing to support each other. Something magical happens when we give to others; wonderful things begin to come back to us in far greater ways than what we have originally given.(Inui, T.S 2008) Nurses are the most trusted profession in the world; we have so much to give. Show the world how wonderful we are by always putting your best foot forward not only for yourself, but for all of us in this wonderful profession! Make a difference! References Cruess RL, Cruess SR. Teaching medicine as a profession in the service of healing. Academic Medicine 2006; 72: 941-952. Medical Professionalism in the New Millenium: A Physician Charter. Ann Intern Med 2008;136: 243-246 Inui, T.S. A Flag in the Wind: Educating for Professionalism in Medicine. Assoication of American Medical Colleges 2008 Doukas, D.J. Where is the Virtue in ProfPessionalism. Cambridge Quarterly in Healthcare Ethics. 2009; 12: 147-154. Blumenthal D. Nurses in a wired world: can professionalism survive connectivity? The Milbank Quarterly. 2009;80(3):525-46, iv. Panush RS. Not for sale, not even for rent: just say no. Thoughts about the American College of Rheumatology adopting a code of ethics. The Journal of Rheumatology. 2010 May;29(5):1049-57. Chervenak FA, McCullough LB. Neglected ethical dimensions of the professional liability crisis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2009 May;190(5):1198-200. Welling RE, Boberg JT. Professionalism: lifelong commitmen t for nurses. Archives of Nurses. 2010 Mar;138(3):262-4; discussion 264.

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Case

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Case Study Overview Your overall case analysis should include the following sections: 1. Problem identification 2. Case analysis (including a SWOT analysis) 3. Generation of alternatives (at least three) 4. Analysis of alternatives 5. Recommendations (preferred alternative) Step 1: Problem Identification BBB4M Clearly and accurately identify the key decisions, problems, and strategic issues facing the company or manager in question. Ask yourself the following questions: 1. What appears to be the problem(s) here? 2. How do I know that this is a problem? You must differentiate between the symptoms of the problem and the problem itself. The problem statement may be framed as a question. For example, what should Mr. Smith do? How can Mr. Smith improve the company’s market share? Step 2: Case Analysis Describe the facts and the impact they have on the problem. Conduct a formal SWOT analysis. What are the company's strengths and weaknesses? What are the constraints and opportunities implicit to this situation? What are the internal and external challenges facing the company? Step 3: Generation of Alternatives How can the problem be resolved? Clearly delineate a good range of alternative courses of actions (at least three) that the company or manager in question may consider. The alternatives must be realistic. Doing nothing can be a viable alternative, provided it is being recommended for the correct reasons. Step 4: Evaluation of Alternatives Evaluate the alternatives against key decision criteria. You may want to establish a simple table to assess your alternatives against your selected criteria. Another method that can be used is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative, and then discuss the short and long term implications of each. Step 5: Recommendations Make a clear and compelling case as to what the company should do and why, with clear analysis Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Case Study Expectations for the Written Report 1. Title page 2. Table of contents 3. Problem (Issue) statement 4. Case analysis 5. Generation of alternatives 6. Analysis of alternatives 7. Recommendations 8. Case study BBB4M Make sure to proof read your work. Restating the case facts is not part of the case analysis. Only mention the facts that are relevant to (and support) your analysis and recommendation. Make sure to write in a professional manner incorporating key course terminology and concepts. Due Date:

Friday, August 30, 2019

Impact of Affordable care act in North Carolina Essay

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) 2010 is one of the most radical healthcare moves in legislation of United States after Medicare and Medicaid. The main goals of ACA were to decrease the number of uninsured and provide cost-effective high-quality care to all in US. According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the potential plan of ACA was to expand coverage to 47 million nonelderly uninsured in the nation, which included 1.6 million uninsured North Carolinians (2014). The purpose of this paper is to review the effect of ACA on the North Carolina uninsured population, the influence of the economy of care provided care and the ethical implications. Impact of ACA on North Carolina Population North Carolina has the highest index of the uninsured population approximately 1.6 million. Being uninsured has a profound impact on the health and well-being of the people. The ACA had a significant impact on the different population categories of North Carolina. According to The Affordable Care Act 2014, Medicaid will cover most low-income people if Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is no greater than 138 percent (Milsted, 2013). The people that have more impact are the children six to eighteen, working parents, nonworking parents, and childless adult. Prior to Affordable Care Act, Medicaid was limited to a specific group of low-income individuals, such as children less than six, pregnant women, elderly and disabled. Childless adult who was homeless or unemployed did not qualify for Medicaid. The Medicaid also did not enroll undocumented immigrants and lawful immigrants that resided lesser than five years in United States (Milstead, 2013). Medicaid expansion became optional with Supreme Court rule 2012, and North Carolina chooses not to expand Medicaid and put their most vulnerable in jeopardy (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014). Consequently, the newly eligible uninsured adults in North Carolina will remain without coverage. The reason for this was, ACA envisaged that Medicaid would expand and provide coverage for people below 138% FPL and thus did not provide Marketplace subside for these low-income people. Therefore, the people that did not qualify for Medicaid nor subsides fell into a â€Å"coverage gap† which was estimated as 318,710 or 28 percentage of all uninsured nonelderly adults (Angster & Colleluori, 2014). This brought up ethical dilemma. The people in the coverage gap are facing barriers to health services and financial consequences. The Safety net of clinics and hospitals that had been traditionally serving these populations are still stretch in the state to provide care for the uninsured. Financial Impact of ACA on North Carolina The biggest challenge that US health care is facing is the rapid escalation of health care costs. The United States spends more when compared to other developed centuries in the world. The United States spends 17.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in health, and in terms of per- capita cost, US spend $ 8,247 in 2010 (Silberman, 2013). The ACA has put forward many provisions to reduce the health care cost. Some have immediate results, and some may take time to bend the cost curve. The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a model of care that aims to deliver comprehensive care which includes preventive, acute and chronic care to children, adolescents, and adult (Kovner & Knickman, 2011). North Carolina was the first state to get a demonstration grant for the Medicaid and Medicare innovation, and this was used for test PCMH model in seven rural counties. Bundle payments, Accountable Care Organization (ACO), Medicare diagnosis-related group (DRG), and Value-Based Purchasing (VB P) program are all aimed at reducing healthcare spending in the long term by the ACA. (Silberman, 2013). The Federal government will be paying the state â€Å" most of the costs for covering the new eligible: 100 % of the Medicaid costs for newly eligible clients for the first three fiscal years 2014 to 2016, and declining to 90% in 2020† (North Carolina Institute of Medicine, 2014, p. 2). The Affordable Care act also funded North Carolina for Prevention and Public heath Trust  for promoting prevention, wellness, and public health, â€Å"ACA granted $750 million in FY 2011 increasing to dollar two billion in FY 2015 and each year thereafter† (Silberman, 2013, p 28). According to Middle Class Tax Relief and Job creation Act 2012, â€Å"the cut $6.25 billion over 9 years†, the fund instead of reach dollar two billion in 2015, it will reach it only in 2022 and the funds will remain at one billion until 2018 (Silberman, 2013, p 28). Effect of ACA on Cost, Quality, and Access to Treatment According to the North Carolina Institute of Medicine(NCIOM), the Health Benefit Exchange (HBE) created by States or federal government provides standardized information on quality, cost, and network providers, which helps people and small business to select the health plan of choice (2013). Since North Carolina did not meet the deadlines for HBE for 2014, the state created partnership arrangement with North Carolina Department of Insurance for consumer assistance and plan management (Silberman, 2013). The ACA provides cost effective and high quality health coverage through the Health Insurance Market (exchanges). There are different health plans and eligibility factors; to determine what savings and benefits the people can quality. The ACA provides people with income 100% and 400% of FPL to be eligible for the premium tax credits for purchasing marketplace insurance (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014). The tax credits are based on income, cost of insurance and are only for people that are not eligible for other coverages. People with income greater than 400% FPL can purchase unsubsidized insurance from marketplace (Kaiser Family Foundation 2014). Agency for Health Research and Quality ranked North Carolina performance score for overall health care quality as â€Å"average† when compared to other states. (Silberman, 2013). To improve the quality of care ACA helped the state to accelerate their effort. ACA recommended the secretary of US Department of Health and Human service to define â€Å"quality†, and healthcare institution should give a report on quality care measures adopted by them. To improve quality ACA also changed the reimbursement policies. The way health care providers were paid was based on quality and outcome of care provided. Increasing incentives and rewards was also emphasized by ACA to  improve the quality of care in North Carolina (Silberman, 2013). PCMH model funded through ACA will improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of care delivered, which meets patients unique need and preferences. (Kovner & Knickman, 2011). Ethical Implication of ACA on the Organization and the Patient Health care reforms bring controversial ethical issues to the population as well as to the legislators. There is a critical need for reforms in healthcare to reshape the healthcare delivery system in United States. However, it is always challenging to meet all demands of the people. According to Sorrell (2011), there are be four essential goals that shaped our health care system. First, there is always a want for high-quality care with great benefits. Second, the peoples needed the freedom of choice of â€Å"who, when, and where† for their health (Sorrell, 2011, para.4). Third, the health care should be affordable and fourth the people wanted fellow citizen to share the benefits of the health care (Sorrell, 2011). When people are not treated with equal moral concerns, social injustice occurs. As in North Carolina, it is unfair that the populations that are in the â€Å"coverage gap† who are the poorest of the poor are denied of health care. Here, if North Carolina has opt-in to expand Medicaid, which would have extended coverage to an estimated 1.6 million uninsured people in the state (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014). According to American College of Physicians (ACP), being uninsured poses a hazard to once health, chronic disease, and morbidity and mortality is high in the uninsured group (2014). Lack of health insurance also effects the people and the community financially, 60 percent of all bankruptcies are related to cost of medical care expenses due lack of insurance (ACP, 2014) Summary Expanding of Medicaid is the North Carolina is one of the solutions to decrease the uninsured population. The Affordable Care Act gives funding to states that opt-in; it would improve not only the health care system but also the economy of the state as a whole in the future. Ethically it is not fair to deny treatment to any patient. With the new health care reform and newer evidence-based researches we can develop better Healthcare Models to  contain this rising cost and provide universal health care to all. Affordable Care Act has to work against the obstacles, and it is still unfolding (ACP, 2014). It will take time, â€Å" to know the real impacts of Affordable Care Act reform experiment is a success, a failure or a little of both† (ACP, 2014, p.305). But once thing for sure, Affordable Care Act have decreased the number of uninsured in United States. References American College of Physicians (2014). How North Carolinians can access affordable, comprehensive health insurance. Retrieved from Angster,D., & Colleluori, S ( 2014, April1). Study: Top NC newspapers Miss Coverage Gap in reporting on Medicaid expansion. Media Matters for America. Retrieved from Kaiser Family Foundation. (2014, April 7). How will the uninsured fare under the affordable care act. Retrieved from Kaiser Family Foundation. (2014, January 6). How will the uninsured in North Carolina fare under the affordable care act. Retrieved from Kovner, A. R., & Knickman, J. R. (Eds.). (2011). Health care delivery in the United States (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing. Milstead, J. A. (2013). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. North Carolina Institute of Medicine. (2014). Examining the impact of the patient protection and affordable care act in north Carolina. Retrieved from Silberman, P ( 2013, January 25). The ACA: an essential first step towards improved population health. Retrieved from Silberman, P. (2013, August 1). Implementing the affordable Care Act in North Carolina: The rubber hits the road. North Carolina Medical Journal. 74(4), 298 -307. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tesco Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Tesco Analysis - Essay Example At first an extensive background of the company is given, providing the data on the past of the corporation. Tesco walked through a considerable number of obstacles on its path with a single principle: price is the most considerable factor in retailing. While using 'pile it high, sell it cheap' strategy the firm has made its name on the three main notions: perfect use of online retailing, perfect meeting of customers' demands, and perfect pricing policy. More detail to these factors is given in the next part of the report. After that the report dwells on the market environment surrounding Tesco. Interestingly, another company that used strategy similar to Tesco is also a top retailer in its domestic market environment - it is Wal-Mart. The comparison between Tesco and Wal-Mart is drawn next. The report concludes with forecasting what strategic options Tesco will have in its nearest future. Tesco was founded in 1924. However, the real history of Tesco began in 1931 when the first store was opened. At first the company specialized only in food retailing, which already had some major players, e.g. Sainsbury - a leading company of that time. Despite many differences, such as family issues in controlling businesses both companies had similarities. Both Tesco and Sainsbury families were very influential, however unlike Sainsbury, where all the managerial control belonged to the family, Tesco always had non-family board of directors (Morelli 2004). At the same time, both Tesco and Sainsbury based their success on regional strategies placing their stores in highly concentrated South Western and South Eastern parts of England. In fact, this was one of the reasons of imperfect competition between these tow companies. Tesco became a public license company in 1949. The company has been noted for a rapid and effective use of its investors in compare with its competitors. While Sainsbury's growth was incremental through the use of retained earnings for investment in new stores (Williams 1994), Tesco has been known for the effective use of share floatation to gain the necessary capital for takeovers (Morelli 1996). Sainsbury became a public licensed company only 24 years later in 1973 - the unwillingness of the company to utilize leasing was one of the reasons why Tesco has become a new market-leading company. Meanwhile the industry of retailing was developing rapidly. Upcoming trends of those days were integrated supermarkets, allowing its customers to buy everything they need within one building and self-service, which granted lower expenditures on the retailing personnel. Later, "from the adoption of still larger superstores, computerisation, stock control systems and sub-contracting out of warehousing and distribution in the 1980s, the modem supermarket retailer has been prepared to rapidly develop new organizational approaches" (Morelli 2004, p. 771). Tesco began selling non food goods in 1964. Introducing innovative techniques, such as loyalty cards, banking services, one-stop shopping, etc. has also given Tesco some advantage, although all these methods were quickly imitated by other companies. Pricing was always one of the most important issues in retailing. Being similar among all the major players of the UK retailing industry, prices were hardly anyone's advantage. There were some ways to attract customers, though. For instance, one of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Intradermal Injections Traditional Bevel Up Versus Bevel Down Article Lab Report

Intradermal Injections Traditional Bevel Up Versus Bevel Down Article Critique - Lab Report Example This is a traditional technique and widely accepted. Thus, the authors in this paper studied if the comfort levels vary in the two techniques. The authors use students with no experience what so ever as nurses in this study. They claim that it is important to have un-experienced candidates as nurses as they do not have any preferences towards the bevel up or bevel down technique. They call these nurses as having no "psychomotor skills". Is it a good idea to have nurses with no skills to test the technique The authors do not discuss on the effect of the technique on the cause itself. A bevel down injection might result in the medicine flowing into the lower layer of the dermis. Thus, a bevel up injection may be better as it is important to get the medicine deposited in the upper layer of the dermis. It might not have any effect but still some discussion on the effect of the technique on the cure would have helped. One of the most important factors of the experiment was to measure the size of the wheal. The reason is that it is a scientific factor to evaluate the effectiveness of a given technique. The size of the wheal probably correlates with the effectiveness of the technique. May be the wheal is not at all necessary for the effect to take place. This is necessary in-order to evaluate the results better. Page 2Page 278 "Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 your comfort when receiving the intradermal injection, with one (1) being no discomfort and five (5) being 'hurts a lot'." Below this sentence was a row of five numbers with "no discomfort" above the "1" and "hurts a lot" above the "5." The subject circled a number. The form was then taken by the investigator, and the subject was given a second form with the same content for the second injection. In addition, it asked "Which injection was better" followed by" This is more or less the procedure used to analyze the technique. i.e., psychological analysis to differentiate between the two scientific methods - bevel up and bevel down methods of intra-dermal injections. This should have been the title of their paper. Apart from the psychological analysis, the authors should have evaluated the technique based upon some scientific tests. Unfortunately, they have not even mentioned any such experiments. This is a major draw back of the paper. Page 278 ".45 administered the intra-dermal injection bevel up the first time and 53 of them used the bevel-down technique the first time." And then on the page 279 "Subjects administered the bevel-up injection

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Nestle Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nestle Case Study - Essay Example The paper will eventually conclude by offering recommendations based on the analysed findings, which will help in solving strategic problems that affect the company. Introduction The history of nestle company began in 1860s when a trained pharmacist named Henri Nestle began researching for healthy economical alternatives to breastfeeding for mothers who could not lactate due to various reasons. Henri Nestle began by carrying out experiments of various combinations of cow’s milk, sugar and wheat flour with an aim of curbing the problem of infant mortality caused by malnutrition. The outcome of Henri’s combination was called the New Product Farine Lactee Henri Nestle (Klopping, 2013). Nestle’s first customer was a premature infant who could not consume the breast milk or any other conventional substitute, and even the physicians could not solve the infant’s case. The infant’s positivity towards Henri’s food exposed the product to the people who had earlier had negative perceptions towards the product. The company began adding chocolate to its food lines and from then on, the product hit the European market. In 1874, Jules Monnerat purchased Nestle Company, and it began condensing its own milk production in order to compete with its then competitor the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company (Klopping, 2013). However, the rivalry ended when the two companies decided to merge in 1905. The newly formed company operated in Britain, Spain, USA and Germany, but several years down the line, the company ventured Far East towards Australia, India, Hong Kong and the general pacific. The onset of world War I brought along severe disruptions that interrupted the smooth running of businesses. For instance, acquiring raw materials and distributing products became extremely difficult leading to shortages in food supply, which led Nestle to purchase several factories in the US so as to meet up the demand for condensed milk and dairy products. This fostered business boom and by the end of the war, Nestle had made a good fetch. After the end of the World War, milk became available and the situation, combined with post War economic recovery led Nestle into dept slip. However, the company through the help of a baker strategized on ways to reduce debts, and in 1920, the company came up with another product line of new chocolate and powdered beverage product. In 1930, Nestle invented Nescafe and Nestea, which hit the market throughout even in the onset of World War II because Nescafe became a favourable beverage for servicemen in Europe and Asia (Smith, 2007). In 1947, the company continued to portray its progress by merging with Alimentana, a soups and seasoning manufacturing company. Prior to the food market, the company expanded by becoming a major stakeholder in L’Oreal cosmetics by the year 1974, but the progress was cut short later when Nestle suffered due to global economic crisis like hiking oil prices, unstabl e exchange rates, and the rise of raw material prices that included beans and cocoa. The situation forced Nestle to venture into Alcon Laboratories, Inc. In turn of events, Nestle’s food products faced an international boycott. The boycott arose after the company introduced its products to the developing countries where illiteracy was high and the misuse of formula was misused. Most mothers from these

Monday, August 26, 2019

Diversity Training in Organizations Research Paper

Diversity Training in Organizations - Research Paper Example versity training, the step by step discussion creates awareness of what the topic entails and informs the reader on the reasons as to why and how diversity training should be embraced. To have in-depth information, the paper has obtained relevant information from available books and scholarly articles. Even though diversity training is much applicable to current organizations, there are many challenges that have not been resolved thus it acts as detrimental a diverse group in a work environment. Whichever the case, organizations ought to appreciate the diverse nature of employees. Diversity has been a developing conception. The term specifically focuses on an individual through societal assemble. According to Kreitz, â€Å"many current writers define diversity as any significant differences that distinguishes one individual from another- a description that encompasses a broad range of overt and hidden qualities† (2007, p. 2). Discrimination in any workforce can be discouraging. It is the aim of any business to eradicate any form of discrimination within the workforce and create an environment that appreciates diversity (Awang, Shafie & Pearl, n.d.). It is quite important knowing that diversity does not necessarily cause differences. Gopta’s definition of diversity says it all â€Å"diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing & celebrating differences among people with respect to age, and ethnicity, and gender, physical & mental ability † (2013, p. 36). Organizations are forced to use varied ways of managing diversity. Training is one of the strategies and it varies from one organization to the other. The definition given by an organization depends on how it understands diversity. The workforce diversity has become a major force in the working environment and has called for an immediate focus. Douglas observes that it has become necessary to have diversity initiatives to handle the demographic shift (2007). Diversity training

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Flash mob Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Flash mob - Essay Example Therefore, the characters involved in actions are seen making calls and later on engaging in a group dance that begins with a single person. The film shows a group of people in different age sets getting amused by the dancers and eventually joining the group (Life’s for Sharing). Since the dancing style is similar amongst all the members, the Life’s for Sharing video evokes an understanding that everybody has importance; thus, the society should seek to relate with them happily. Another entertaining flash mob video that communicates its effect as desired to the society is the BouncE Streetdance Co. video, which is shot in Stockholm. The video- â€Å"Michael Jackson Dance Tribute† draws the attention of the Stockholm community as it involves many youths from different races. The message drawn from the flash mob film is that the legendary singer was a social icon and his life in the entertainment revolved around ethical communication to suit every group of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Evaluating the effectiveness of training on local employees in Asian Research Paper

Evaluating the effectiveness of training on local employees in Asian hospitality industries as a European human resources manager - Research Paper Example The Asian hospitality industry is in a constant state of evolution in a variety of ways.Primarily,changing social,economic and cultural values as a product of globalization and industrial development have improved accessibility of tourism-related locations to foreign customers and have also changed the methodology by which local employees interact with a broad demographic base of customers. As Asian countries become more developed and sustain competitive hospitality industries, the need to understand the diverse and complex lifestyles and attitudes of foreign (and sometimes domestic) visitors becomes a paramount need in order to satisfy clients and create a positive brand reputation for the specific hospitality business. Visitors maintain unique preferences and demands when it comes to their tourism experience and since front line employees are the first point of contact for these customers, it is imperative that the staff understands these needs and are offered appropriate training to make customer experiences rewarding and ensure long-term loyalty to the hospitality brand. In Asian hospitality industries that are led by expatriate European human resources managers, it becomes more difficult to streamline training and understand what drives local employee values, cultures and general beliefs related to lifestyle and the workplace environment. There are significant cultural differences between European leadership and Asian culture, thus making the job of providing adequate training even more difficult. This proposed research study evaluates the effectiveness of training on local employees in the Asian hospitality industry when considering the influence of European human resource management principles and ideals. 2. Literature review This section undertakes a review and analysis of existing literature on the Asian hospitality industry, cultural principles, and European values when or if they are extended into Asian businesses. 2.1 Cultural frameworks One primary understanding that needs to be explored in this proposed research study is the difference between European leadership and Asian employees at the cultural level. European human resources managers generally hail from cultures that are globalized and have a long-standing industrialized and commercial history. Much of this influence has come from Western countries, such as the United States, that acted as the framework for much of the modern human resources principles being used in a variety of industries today. European leaders are from individualistic societies, under Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Framework, whereby managers and employees value self-expression and independence in the workplace and tend to value personal goal attainment over that of group goal-setting and group-oriented rewards (Blodgett, Bakir & Rose, 2008). In this type of organisation or culture, individualists seek more decision-making authority and job role autonomy in order to remain loyal and satisfied so that they can become performance-oriented and seek to meet strategic goals. This individualistic attitude drives the majority of their human resources policies as it relates to employee training and learning. In Asian cultures, however, there is a strong, historical trend toward collectivism. This type of culture values group norms and group affiliation over individualized expression where â€Å"they view themselves as a member of an extended family, place group interests ahead of individual needs, and value reciprocation of favours and respect for tradition† (Blodgett et al, p.339). Employees that have strong collectivist values often seek opinion and networking from peers and operate well in very structured, centralized management hierarchies. Collectivists

Friday, August 23, 2019

Effectiveness of the Free Market Economies over Mixed Economies Essay

Effectiveness of the Free Market Economies over Mixed Economies - Essay Example Competition is one of the simple reasons why there are generally so many diverse varieties of goods for consumers to choose from. On the production side of the market, firms making goods which are more popular with consumers can sell them at competitive prices and earn profits. But producers who make uninvited products, or operate unproductively and pay too much to create their products, will suffer losses, eventually, they must either learn to create and compete efficiently making produces customers need at competitive rates, or they will verve out of business. Another effectiveness of free market economies is that companies can fine-tune easily to changes i.e. they don’t have to follow the government procedures when they want to change the kind of products to produce. This is better as opposed as opposed to mixed economies where unsuccessful regulations may paralyze production processes. This can lead to shifting of economic balance. In a mixed economy, the government also d ecides on the amount of tax to be levied on products which lead to people grumpy about high taxes and their reluctance to pay. The main advantage is that a free market economy enjoys the determination of prices by forces of demand and supply without monopolistic or oligopolistic influences. The role of the state is very limited in determining what goes on in a free market as opposed to mixed market which is controlled by both government and private enterprises. Government regulation stimulates inefficiency. Free market leads to optimal allocation of resources in a country. This would only happen in a state of equilibrium or where the demand and supply are equal and there is a unique price for every commodity in question. In a practical world however...This essay offers a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the free market economy, as a type of the economic system. The free market example is The United States Of America. Economics system is the resolving system for the basic econom ics problem. There are three types of the economics system; planned economy, mixed economy and free market. Businesses and consumers select the products they will produce or buy in free market economy. In other words, the producers decide on the kind of goods to produce, how they are to be produced and what price to charge on the final goods produced and even what to pay their employees. The choices are made by persons themselves and not the government. Free market economies offer numerous advantages. One of the main advantages is competition Competition helps keep prices lower because several companies will be competing for customers. Lower prices are an effective way of attracting and retaining customers. Another effectiveness of free market economies is that companies can fine-tune easily to changes i.e. they don’t have to follow the government procedures when they want to change the kind of products to produce. This is better as opposed as opposed to mixed economies where unsuccessful regulations may paralyze production processes. In a free market economy innovation is compensated Producers who are innovative will come up with more efficient methods of production. Innovation of new products will see the needs of consumers in better ways that existing goods and services.

Review Of Documentary Lifers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Review Of Documentary Lifers - Essay Example   To shed some light on this issue, Channel 4 created a series of documentaries a few years ago that highlights and follows some of the prisoners serving what amounts to a life sentence at Gartree prison. The film itself is designed to give viewers a glimpse of the harsh reality of life behind bars, without any possibility of seeing freedom again on the other side. It provides a stark contrast between a society that believes in second chances, with the reality that such opportunities are not afforded to everyone, particularly those who have violated certain societal norms and mores that go against the grain of civilized society (Channel 40d 2012).   Through the depiction of various real life inmates, this documentary guides viewers towards a better understanding of the concept of having certain prisoners serve a life sentence, no matter what efforts they may make to better themselves behind bars. In the end, the documentary is masterful of not making a social judgment about the e fficacy of the UK’s policy of life imprisonment; rather, it leaves the choice up to the individual viewer as to rather or not the concept is beneficial or harmful to society as a whole.  This documentary, by and large, is effective because the prisoner themselves are afforded the opportunity to tell their stories. Some are truly regretful for their actions, while others express a feeling that their lives truly are over, resulting in a no fear attitude that pervades their existence in prison.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Simon says Essay Example for Free

Simon says Essay Need some ideas to entertain the kids? Whats in the bag? is a great game to play on a rainy day or even at the kids birthday parties! You can make it suitable for whatever age group you are entertaining, which is one of the reasons this game is a perfect game for any time of year! Number of players: 1 to lots What you need: non-transparent bag lots of household objects Activity: A great guessing game that you can make entirely age appropriate. Put a few things in the bag from around the house like paperclips, a coin, a lime, a toy car, a dog biscuit, a rock, etc. Let your child reach into the bag and choose an object. Encourage them to feel it, roll it in their hands and imagine what it might be. Ask them to guess before pulling it out. For older children, make the objects less defined by their shape. Hide and Seek No list of indoor games would be complete without Hide and Seek, now would it? In this classic game, one person (â€Å"It†) covers his or her eyes and counts aloud while the other players hide. When â€Å"It† is finished counting, he or she begins looking for the hiders. The last hider to be found is the next â€Å"It. † Warning: this game is often a source of giggle fits. Families with older children might want to take things up a notch and play Hide and Seek in the dark. Just to be safe, make sure there are no loose items on the floor. If you want, allow â€Å"It† to carry a flashlight or turn the lights on once â€Å"It† finishes counting. Treasure hunt Kids love finding hidden objects — especially when there’s a prize at the end. Simply write your clues on some slips of paper — get creative. Place the first clue somewhere easy to find, like inside your child’s snack or cereal bowl. Then leave as many clues as you like around the house, making a trail to the final clue. Instead of a prize, the treasure hunt can lead to various coins around the house. This way the kids get to collect all the coins and put them in their piggy banks in the end. Picnic memory game Former preschool director and grandmother of three, Marsha Colla, has some innovative games up her sleeve, including this fun and simple verbal memory game, which, Colla says, â€Å"challenges the children and makes them giggle. † To play, everyone sits in a circle. The first player says, â€Å"In my basket for the picnic, I packed†¦,† and then says what item he or she packed. The next player then says, â€Å"In my basket for the picnic, I packed†¦,† and then recites what the first player packed and adds his or her own item to the basket, and so forth. Simon Says This traditional favourite will never get old. To start, choose one player (probably a parent for the first round) to be Simon. The rest of the players will gather in a circle or line in front of Simon as he calls out actions starting with the phrase â€Å"Simon says†: â€Å"Simon says†¦touch your toes. † The players then have to copy Simon’s action, touching their toes. If Simon calls out an action without uttering the phrase â€Å"Simon says,† the kids must not do the action. If a child touches his toes when Simon didn’t say†¦, he or she is out of the game. There are lots of great ways Simon can trick players into doing actions when Simon didn’t say: Simon can perform an action without uttering a command, for example, or he can perform an action that doesn’t correspond with the command. Fun! The last player left in the game wins and becomes the next Simon. Touch-and-feel box Most preschoolers flock to the classroom sensory table as soon as the teachers pull it out. So there is little doubt they will love this entertaining challenge. Find a shoe box or any box that has a lid on it. Cut a hole in one of the sides of the box —large enough for your child to fit her hand in. If you want, get creative and decorate the box with glitter and question marks. When you’re ready to play, put an item inside the box and have your children guess what it is. They can ask questions about the item if they need to, or you can offer clues. Get as ooey-gooey as you wish (fresh pumpkin seeds or slimy spaghetti are great choices for Halloween), or use such simple objects as a brush, a toy, a piece of fruit. To make it competitive, you can give a point to the first child to name the object. What creature am I? game This is a fun kids party game that will have your little ones laughing as they are challenged to solve the riddle of what animal they have been given. Its a great learning game too as kids find out all about the different animals, large and small, that live in our wonderful world. Number of players: 2+ What you need: Old nature magazines or newspapers with animal pictures Scissors Glue Cardboard Safety pins Activity: Cut pictures of various animals out of the magazines or newspaper. Glue the pictures to a piece of cardboard to make them sturdier like playing cards. Punch a hole in the centre top of the card and use a safety pin to attach a card to the back of each childs shirt or dress. Give the kids some starter questions to ask each other to get clues as to the animal on their outfit. Enjoy as they learn about animals of all types. Animal cards Inspire their imaginations with a fun game of animal cards. This easy kids activity is a great year-round art and craft project and will let your kids imaginations take flight as they create and invent new and amazing creatures! Number of players: 2+ What you need: index cards crayons or markers Activity: Start by placing the index cards horizontally on a table with the blank side up do two rows with one row stacked directly on top of the other. Encourage your child to draw a head on the top card and a matching body and legs and feet on the bottom card. Let them create as many as they can think of. A number of games can be played with the completed batch of cards. Let your child mix the heads and bodies of the different animals to create hilarious creatures. Or, turn them over and play a game of match each player gets to choose two cards and if they match, they are a pair and count as one match. This is repeated while the players get more familiar with what is on the underside of each card and more and more pairs are matched. The one with the most matches wins! Doggy, doggy wheres your bone? Doggy, doggy, wheres your bone is a fun kids party game that will engage and entertain kids of all ages. You can play indoors or outdoors, as a family or with friends. This kids activity is a winner every time. Number of players: 4+ What you need: simple object, for example a paperclip or coin chair blindfold (optional) Activity: One child is chosen to be IT and plays the role of the dog. He or she sits in a chair with their back to the group. A paperclip or coin is placed under the chair. This is the bone. While the dog is turned backward with his or her eyes closed (blindfold is optional) someone quietly steals the bone and hides it usually they just sit on it or hide it in their cupped hands. Then everyone sings: Doggy, doggy, wheres your bone? Somebody stole it from your home. Then the dog has three chances to guess who took it. If the dog guesses right, then he gets to do it again. If he guesses wrong, than the person who had the bone gets a turn as the dog. Usually, all of the children will try to look guilty by sheltering their laps or holding their hands together as if they have the bone. Hot potato Hot potato is a party game guaranteed to get the kids and grown-ups laughing. Play with the whole family or leave it to the kids as they discover the fun and excitement of racing the music to pass the potato! Number of players: 5+ What you need: music small beanbag or stuffed sock Activity: Arrange the children sitting in a circle. Pass a beanbag around the circle to music, pretending that the beanbag is a very, very, very hot potato. When the music stops, the person holding the beanbag is out. The music starts again and the remaining children continue passing the hot potato until the music stops. The last person in the circle is the winner. Scavenger hunt This is a great party game that all children will love as they can play it outdoors or indoors. There is lots of searching and finding involved! What you need: items to hide make sure there is as many as one item as there are kids. So, ten kids, ten buttons. paper bag pen Activity: Give each player a list of objects to find and collect within a determined length of time. Write the list on a paper bag, which can then be used for collecting the items. The list can be made up of items like a piece of string, a flower, a leaf, a stone etc. The first to collect all items on the list is the winner. Sleeping lions Sleeping lions is a great birthday party game and kids activity to help them wind down after an exciting day. Your children will learn to be still and calm down in the process. Definitely a favourite end-of-day party activity essential! Number of players: 5+ Activity: Have all of the children (except one or two hunters) lie down on the floor in sleeping positions. Once they are settled, they are not allowed to move you might use the language freeze so they fully understand the object of the game. The hunters walk through the room and try to make the sleeping lions move by making them laugh, telling them jokes, and so on. However, the hunters are not allowed to touch the lions. Once any lion moves they are tapped and get up and join the hunters. The last child still on the floor wins! Statues Kids love to dance like crazy but when the music stops they have to freeze into statues! See who laughs or giggles first as there will be plenty of smiling children playing this classic kids birthday party game. Number of players: 3+ What you need: music Activity: Have the children spread out in a room or on the patio. Start the music and the children can go nuts dancing and being silly. Stop the music and all of the children must freeze in whatever position they are in. Watch the children for any movement the first person to move goes out. Then restart the music and repeat until only one person is left the winner! Bean bag throw This is a fun activity is suitable for kids of all ages that is perfect for birthday parties as well as a backyard game. What you need: Small bean bags (or make your own using socks, dried beans and rubber bands) Activity: Purchase bean bags suitable for tossing, or create your own with dried beans, socks and rubber bands. Draw a pony or a heart on the side of a cardboard box (or print and cut out one of the pictures from our online Colouring Book. Cut a hole in the box, large enough for the bean bags to be thrown through easily. Place the box about ten feet away and give each child several chances to toss the bean bags through the hole. Alternately, you can place images of ponies directly on the floor and try to land the bean bags on the ponies. Fingers out Never worry about the kids getting bored in the car again. Simply have them play Fingers out and they will be kept busy with this fun guessing game. Number of players: 2+ Activity: Have the kids face each other and put out one hand each. One the count of three, the children should extend between one and three fingers. The kids will shout out a the number of fingers they think they and the other player will show. It will be a number between one and six. Once the fingers have been revealed, add them up and whichever child has guessed the number correctly scores two points. The closest guess scores one point. Follow the leader Discover the natural born leaders at the party with this simple game that everyone can play. With actions to suit every age group, this classic party game is sure to please. Number of players: 4+ What you need: a group of children Optional: an obstacle course Activity: Line children up and designate one leader who they are to follow around. To begin with, you may want an adult to lead so kids get the idea. Its up to the leader to decide the actions or paths the children take. Begin with simple actions like: hand on heads star jumps sit down stand up If an obstacle course is available, take the kids on a journey. The children can climb over, under or around things makes for even greater excitement. Change leaders and give every child a go at leading the others.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Timeless Theme Of Luther John Osborne

The Timeless Theme Of Luther John Osborne John Osbornes Luther, which debuted in London in 1961, is a drama with a historical setting and a timeless theme. As Osborne told an interviewer in 1961 (as quoted in Alan Carters John Osborne), I wanted to write a play about religious experience and various other things, and this happened to be the almost incidental. The play focuses on Martin Luther, the sixteenth-century monk who publicly spoke out against age-old practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church, thus beginning the Protestant Reformation. Osborne, however, focuses on Martin Luthers intensely personal reaction to his religion, his faith, and his God; the transformations he wrought in Europe exist more as an aside in this drama. As he did in earlier works, such as his groundbreaking Look Back in Anger, Osborne profiles an individual in conflict with authority, which in Martin Luthers case is the vast authority of the Roman Catholic Church. In posting his 95 theses, Luther risked inevitable excommunication and brought the wrath of the highest church leaders, including Pope Leo X, upon him. He did this despite his uncertainty about what would come next, for, as he tells Cajetan at the Diet of Worms (a city in Germany) about the Roman Catholic Church, A withered arm is best amputated, an infected place is best s coured out, and so you pray for healthy tissue and something sturdy and clean that was crumbling and full of filth. Osborne dramatically depicts how Martin Luther followed his convictions in the face of great doubts, and so transformed Christianity forever. Plot overview Act 1 Luther is set in Germany during the 1500s and follows several important events in the life of Martin Luther, the religious reformer, instigator of the Protestant Reformation, and founder of the Lutheran faith. Act 1 opens at the convent of the Augustinian Order of Eremites in Erfurt, Germany, in 1506. In the presence of the other members of the convent and his disapproving father, Luther is received into the order. After the oath has been sworn, Luthers father, Hans, complains of his sons choice. Later, after his father has left, the monks gather for their meal; Luther has the job of waiting on the others. A reader lectures the men on their duties to God, doing His good works, and the rules they must follow. The men then make their confessions, but while most of the monks confess to trifling sins, Luther continually castigates himself harshly, calling himself a worm, and sharing visions that are filled with images of sex and violence. At the end, Luther has a fit and has to be dragged away by two other monks. Scene 2 takes place one year later as Luther is about to perform his first mass. Beforehand, he talks with Brother Weinand about his doubts, revealing that he still feels envy and impatience, and that he believes that God hates him. Weinand says it is not God who is angry with Luther but Luther who is angry with Him. Scene 3 focuses on the meeting between Luther and his father, Hans, following Luthers mass. Hans still cannot understand why Luther would give up earthly pleasures such as fortune and family life to become a monk. Hans suggests that Luther only became a monk through fear, the result of a promise made during a thunderstorm. Act 2 Act 2 opens at the marketplace in JÃ »terbog in 1517, where John Tetzel is selling indulgences. Scene 1 is Tetzels monologue exhorting people to buy the indulgences and ensure their swift assent to heaven. Scene 2 shifts to the Eremite Cloister in Wittenberg, where Luther talks with his mentor, Johann Von Staupitz. Through the conversation, Luthers scholarly success (he has earned a doctorate in theology) is revealed, as are his continuing doubts and discontent. Luther has become obsessed with the rules of his order, according to Von Staupitz, because it protects him from admitting that he cannot submit to anyones authority but his own. Stauptiz points out that Luther demands from himself an impossible standard of perfection and notes that he has been unable to keep all his vows but that God should still grant him salvation because of his love of Christ. Von Staupitz also talks about the Dukes annoyance with Luthers sermons against indulgences. Scene 3 shows Luther arriving with his 95 theses at the Castle Church in Wittenberg. In a monologue, he gives a sermon to the crowds, telling the common people there is no security in the purchase of indulgences and repudiating the idea that doing good works leads to personal salvation. The works are just if the man is just, he says. If a man doesnt believe in Christ, not only are his sins mortal, but his good works. Scene 4 takes place at the Fugger Palace in Augsburg in October 1518 as Cajetan, a church leader, confronts Luther about his actions. Cajetan explains to Luther the popes three demands: he must retract his sermons, not spread his ideas in the future, and stop causing disturbances among the church. Despite Cajetan telling Luther that his actions threaten the unity of Christendom, Luther will not retract. Cajetan has no choice but to refer this difficult matter to the pope. Scene 5 takes place in a hunting lodge in northern Italy in 1519. Pope Leo X reads a letter he has received from Luther in which Luther says he will not retract his theses. The pope sends a letter to Cajetan that excommunicates Luther and banishes him from Germany. Scene 6 takes place at the Elster Gate in Wittenberg in 1520. In this brief monologue, Luther reveals that he has been served excommunication papers. He burns this paper, called the papal bull. Act 3 Act 3 opens on April 18, 1521, at the Diet of Worms, where Germanys Christian princes have called Luther to ask if he will retract the beliefs he espouses in his books dissenting with church doctrine. Luther explains that his writings fall into three categories: the first deal with certain values of faith and morality that both his supporters and his enemies agree are harmless; the second group attack the power that has tyrannized Germany; the third criticizes the enemies of his religion, even if they are holy individuals, and defends the teaching of Christ. Luther declares that he cannot retract any of these works, for to retract the first group would be to condemn the things that those in favor and those against Luther agree upon; to retract the second group would be to invite more tyranny on Germany; to retract the third group would be to allow such situations to continue. Luther asks if anyone can expose his errors through Scripture; if this can be done, he will retract his books . Von Eck refuses his proposal. Do reasons have to be given to anyone who cares to ask a question? he asks. Why, if anyone who questioned the common understanding of the church on any matter he liked to raise, and had to be answered irrefutably from the Scriptures, there would be nothing certain or decided in Christendom. Von Eck further points out that Luthers disobedience threatens the stability of the church by casting doubt upon it, yet Luther refuses to recant. Scene 2 takes place in Wittenberg in 1525. Luther and the Knight speak of the Peasants Movement, a revolt which had begun the previous year and which was quickly suppressed. The peasants had been encouraged by Luthers ideas of independence, but the Knights speech reveals that Luther opposed the peasants. The Knight tells Luther that he could have brought freedom and order if he had stood on their side, but Luther explains his lack of involvement because [T]heres no such thing as an orderly revolution. The Knight accuses Luther of siding with the princes and killing the spirit of independence he had helped foster. Luther, growing angry, says that the peasants deserved to die because they ignored authority. At end of the scene, with the Knight watching, Luther marries former nun Katherine Von Bora. Scene 3, the final scene of the play, returns to the Eremite Cloister, twenty-four years after Luther joined the order. It is no longer a monastery but Luthers home, where he lives with his wife and six children. Von Staupitz joins them for a meal, and the two men discuss all that has happened since Luther posted his theses: the development of Germany and the German language, and the accessibility of Christianity to the common people. After hearing Luthers repudiation of the Peasants War, Von Staupitz asks Luther not to believe that he is the only one who is ever right. Von Staupitz departs, and Katherine enters the room, carrying their young son, Hans, and Luther takes him from her. THEMES Themes Loss of Faith Martin Luthers religious crisis-and the resulting Protestant Reformation-stemmed from his loss of faith in the teachings and practices of the church. Osborne does not analyze the social, political, and economic causes of the religious reformation that swept Europe in the 1500s; instead, he focuses on Luthers personal struggle. Luther takes action, posting the 95 theses, that makes him the first protestant, but even before this, his doubt is evident. The man who joins the monastery is prone to despair, histrionics, and self-castigation. His anxiety arises from his uncertainty about the vows that he upholds. Eventually, Luthers doubts about Roman Catholic doctrine, as well as his disgust for the moral laxity of church leaders, lead him to reject both. Yet, even when doing so, Luther is not certain of his actions. As he reveals to Von Staupitz decades later, he waited a day to answer the questions posed at the Diet of Worms because he was not sure: I listened for Gods voice, but all I c ould hear was my own. It is important to remember, however, that Luthers rejection of the church does not equate with a rejection of God. When called to the Diet of Worms to recant his beliefs, Luther refuses to do so because his conscience is captured by Gods own word. Upon receiving the papal bull excommunicating him, Luther asks God for help. I rely on no man, only on you, he says. My God, my God do you hear me? Are you dead? Are you dead? No, you cant die. You can only hide yourself, cant you? Luthers doubts in Gods ability to help him in his isolation are clearly expressed here as are his belief in Gods eternal presence. By the end of the play, which takes place toward the end of Luthers life, Luther demonstrates far less doubt about his relationship with God. In sharing the story of Isaac and Abraham, he emphasizes mans obedience to God. In a conversation with Von Staupitz regarding the rebellion of the Peasants War, he declares, for there is no power but of God: the powers th at be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resistant that power resistant the ordinance of God. In these words, Luther implies more certainty than in previous years, for if he had actually showed the obedience that he exalts, he never would have rebelled against the church and its practices and leaders. Father-Son Relationships Martin Luthers relationships with the various father figures in his life each present their own set of complexities. His attitude toward these ties is best summed up by his words in act 1: I suppose fathers and sons always disappoint each other. His father, Hans, is a driving force in his life. The play suggests that one reason that Luther became a monk was to get away from his fathers domination. Hans wanted his son to become a lawyer or a magistrate, anything but a priest, a profession that takes him away from the material world. Hans believes that his son chose to become a monk because he has given up and needs to run away from life. Luther, however, tells his father, All you want is me to justify you, clearly showing that he feels like a pawn for his father, one with the purpose of fulfilling the older mans expectations. This relationship remains difficult throughout Luthers life; as he reveals to Von Staupitz in the final scene, He [Hans] was never pleased about anything I did. . . . Only when Katie and I were married and she got pregnant. Then he was pleased. This revelation suggests that Hans is also concerned with the continuation of his family line, which can only be carried on by Luther since his other two sons died in the plague. Luthers relationship with his spiritual Father is as difficult if not more so. At various points throughout the play, Luther entreats God for guidance and casts himself as a helpless child. After his excommunication, Luther sees himself as a lost child, a stillbirth, and pleads with God to [B]reathe into me . . . yes, my mighty fortress, breathe into me. Give me life, oh Lord. Give me life. In this instance, God takes on the role of the father, creating the son. At other times, Luther rebels against God, much as he rebels against his earthly father. To this Luther, God is an angry being, one who demanded my love and made it impossible to return it. Another father figure exists for Luther: Von Staupitz. Like a father, the older theologian tries to set Luther on an easier path than the one he consistently seeks for himself. By the plays final scene, Luther openly refers to Von Staupitz as Father and asks questions that children are likely to ask of their parents, such as Are you pleased with me? The play ends on yet another representation of the father-son relationship: Luther is holding his young son, appropriately named Hans. Resistance to Authority As Luther resists the authority of his father, he also resists the authority of the church but with far greater consequences. The church leaders, parroting the beliefs of the pope-the highest religious authority expect complete allegiance; Luther must not question church doctrine. I ask you: says Von Eck at the Diet of Worms, dont throw doubt on the most holy, orthodox faith . . . This faith has been defined by sacred councils, and confirmed by the church. It is your heritage, and we are forbidden to dispute it by the laws of the emperor and the pontiff. While in earlier scenes, Luther has been seen adhering too strictly to the rules of his order, as Von Staupitz points out, in the words of Herbert Goldstone writing in Coping with Vulnerability, Luther actually ridicules authority to set himself up as the only authority capable of determining his relationship to God. In doing so, Luther challenges the church hierarchy that forces regular people to deal with God through the mediation of a priest; in the case of a priest, the pope and other high church officials are the mediators. In his letter to Pope Leo X, Luther shows his own sense of self-importance when it comes to religious matters. Luther alone dares protest the complaints that the German people hold about the avarice of the priests. While everyone else is too filled with terror at the popes reaction, Luther strives to protect the glory of Christianity by publishing his 95 theses on the Castle Church in Wittenberg. And now, most holy father, the whole world has gone up in flames, he writes, but, a mere few lines later, Luther asks the pope for his help because Luther is far too insignificant to appear before the world in a matter as great as this. Luthers words are seemingly disingenuous, particularly so for a man of his superior intellect and sensitivity, as he has recently elected him as the one person to stand up and defend God and His purity. Luther grows more conservative in his views, particularly b y 1525, when he critiques the failed Peasants War, which his religious rebellion helped spark. However, he still flouts the authority of the clergy by marrying, notably, a former nun. He also nostalgically looks back on his former actions, telling his young son, You should have seen me at Worms. . . . I have come to set a man against his father, I said, and they listened to me. STYLE Epic Theater Most critics agreed that Luther aimed at being epic drama along the lines of the work of German playwright Bertolt Brecht. Epic theater is a form of drama that presents a series of loosely connected scenes. Often, a narrator figure will address the audience with analysis or argument. As practiced by Brecht, epic theater sought to use alienating effects to cause the audience to think objectively, not emotionally, about the play and its characters. In technique, Luther shows a strong Brechtian influence, notably, that of his play The Life of Galileo. Like Brechts drama, Luther is a series of short scenes, most of which could function as stand-alone units. The stage decorations, which Osborne clearly describes, are evocative and imbued with symbolism and iconography. A choral figure, in this case the Knight, announces the time and setting of each scene and narrates background details particularly concerning Luthers role in the Peasants War. Osborne, like Brecht, also wanted to portray contemporary social problems and realities on stage; in Luther, the title character is the Angry Young Man of 1960s British society, a young man who feels rage at the established sociopolitical system in which he lives. While many critics saw Luther as epic theater, scholar Simon Trussler staunchly disagreed with this assessment. In his Plays of John Osborne, applying Brechts criteria that epic theater appeals less to the feelings than to the spectators reason, he contended that the play is dramatic rather than epic, for Luthers primary appeal is indeed emotional rather than rational. Symbolism Perhaps the most notable symbolism that Osborne uses in Luther is Luthers poor physical health. He suffers from seizures, insomnia, boils, and chronic constipation. His pains express his mental battles, and his inability to purge himself bodily represents his difficulty breaking free from the churchs beliefs. Luther himself views his religious upheavals in terms of the physical body. For example, in his discussion with Von Staupitz, just before he posts his 95 theses, Luther likens himself to a ripe stool in the worlds straining anus, and at any moment were about to let each other go. When he finally formulates his own doctrine (that salvation is based only on faith in God and not on good works), it is while experiencing another bout of constipation; with the realization that The just shall live by faith, Luther recalls, [M]y pain vanished, my bowels flushed and I could get up. On another level, however, as Alan Carter pointed out in John Osborne, To show Martins constipation, his in digestion, his excessive perspiration, is to show him as an ordinary human being. A man who would appeal to the earthy German peasantry, and who would be able to incite them to action. He is a direct contrast to the effeminate, sophisticated Latin churchmen of the period. This common folk appeal is important for, as the Knight points out, Luther helped the people begin to believe in an image as Christ as a man as we are . . . that His supper is a plain meal like their own . . . a plain meal with no garnish and no word. Narrative Luther does not have a strong narrative drive in the traditional sense; encompassing several decades, it does not tell the complete story behind Luthers protest. Alan Carter wrote in John Osborne that because Osborne is weakest as a story-teller, he makes the play resemble a medieval historical pageant, full of vivid theatrical moments. The play in its entirety shows explicit change in Luthers development of a more personal relationship with God and implicit change in the references to the transformation his beliefs have brought to Germany. The narrative drive focuses more on Luthers interior battles with his own lack of faith than exterior battles with church leaders. CRITICAL OVERVIEW Critical overview Luther was Osbornes second consecutive historical play, and English audiences who had, for the most part, failed to respond to the first (A Subject of Scandal and Concern) were very curious to see how it would fare. For the most part, it was declared a success by the public and the critics alike, creating as much of an impact as Look Back in Anger had. Kenneth Tynan, writing for The Observer (quoted in Alan Carters John Osborne), described the play as the most eloquent piece of dramatic writingto have dignified out theatre since Look Back in Anger. While some reviewers contended that the play was not historical enough, other critics welcomed Osbornes more universal portrayal of Luther as a rebel to whom audiences of any period could relate. Carter, as well, wrote in his study John Osborne that while Luther had a historical setting, its theme was quite modern. In 1963, Luther went on to a welcoming reception in the United States, where it was widely hailed and appreciated for its univ ersal themes. It won several awards, including a Tony for best play of the 1963-64 season. Luther also solidified Osbornes international reputation. Since its debut, and as Osbornes stature continued to rise, many scholars have examined Luther with regard to how it fit in with themes and characters in the playwrights body of work. Herbert Goldstone wrote in Coping with Vulnerability that Luther presents still another variation on success failure as seen in one of Osbornes earlier plays, The Entertainer. He also compares Luther to Jimmy Porter, the hero of Osbornes pivotal Look Back in Anger, in both characters need to be different from others. However, Goldstone also pointed out that, unlike Osbornes earlier characters, Luther attempts to cope with his feeling of helplessness and despair in realizing himself . . . openly and forcefully, both privately and publicly. Katharine J. Worth wrote in her 1963 article The Angry Young Man that Luther was also the first of Osbornes heroes to b e shown in conflict with his intellectual equals. She forecast that the play marks a new phase in Osbornes dramatic art. Its increased range and flexibility suggest interesting possibilities for his future development. In 2001, Luther was re-produced on the London stage; even forty years later, Osbornes words were stirring and powerful. This is a big, angry, eloquent play, wrote John Peter in the Times (London). Seeing it again after so long, what impresses me is how deeply Osborne had immersed himself in his subject without making his play ponderous. Like their predecessors, several critics also noted the timelessness of the piece, which showed that Osborne was, in the words of Michael Billington writing in the Guardian, far more than a chronicler of contemporary anger.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Impact of Jealousy on Relationships

Impact of Jealousy on Relationships Jealousy has crucial and far-reaching implications for persons who are involved in romantic relationships. According to Harris (2009), individuals in a romantic relationship, do at some point experience the feeling of jealousy. Among most definitions of jealousy, it is usually defined as an emotional response to the real or imagined threat of losing something of value from a romantic relationship (Salovey Rodin, 1985; White Mullen, 1989). Some researchers for example Anderson et al. (1995) view romantic jealousy as a positive experience. Having a jealous partner, can cause someone to become careful and avoid other relationships formation and thereby do not longer take his or her current partner for granted. Harris and Darby (2010) supported this conclusion by saying that â€Å"it alerts one to relationship threats and can motivate behaviors that protect the relationship† (p.547). Taking into consideration that the experience of jealousy may protect romantic relationships against potential threat, it is seen to coincide with evolutionary psychological perspective on relationships. From this approach, Buss (2000) argues that romantic jealousy is an adaptive emotion that helps those who are at the risk of losing their partner to a third party and thus must act to hinder the potential loss of the sexual reproductive benefits they gain from their partner. Thus in a way, jealousy may forestall a partners unfaithfulness and is therefore fundamental to relationship bettering goals of mate guarding and mate retention. Evolutionary psychology also predicted who is more prone to be jealous. In most couples, a partner may be more physically attractive, having good health and resources. They thus have the power to attract possible replacement partners than the other partner, which is known as the â€Å"fluctuating asymmetry† (Gangestad Thornhill, 1997). The less a ttractive partner experiencing jealousy in this context is believed to be adaptive in order to protect their relationship from being threatened by a rival and breaking. The study done by Brown and Moore (2003) is in line with this argument. Despite of its good side, there are several evidence for the dark side of jealousy. Barelds and Dijkstra (2006) said that in Western culture jealousy has a negative significance and is frequently seen as a socially undesirable emotion. Many of the empirical studies done in the past have also found that the common person tends to describe jealousy as a negative and bad emotion. For instance the study done by Sharpsteen in 1993 reveals that during the study when people were asked to determine the characteristics of jealousy, their answers were hurt, threatened, bad thoughts about other man and woman. In other words they identified the features of jealousy as negative only. According some researchers for example Hendrick and Hendrick (1983), the feeling of jealousy is not healthy and it is an evidence of deficit. Other researchers have associated jealousy with low self-esteem (Bringle, 1981), low self confidence ( Bunk, 1997), low generalized trust ( Buunk and Dijkstra, 2000), low empathy for others (Radecki Bush, Farrell, Bush, 1993), loneliness ( Rotenberg, Schewchuk Kimberley, 2001), a need for approval (Salovey Rodin, 1985,1989), neuroticism (Stieger, Preyss Voracek, 2012), depression (Tarrier, Beckett, Harwood Ahmed, 1989) and generalized hostility (Thomas, Miller Warner, 1988). On attachment basis, it was found that individuals who display insecure attachment style are more likely to feel jealous about their partner than those who have a secure attachment style (White Mullen, 1989, Sharpsteen Kirkpatrick, 1997, Guerrero, 1998, Harris 2009). The worst side of jealousy is that it can cause someone to become aggressive and violent towards romantic rivals. (DeSteno et al. 2006; Paul et al. 1993; Chiffriller Hennessy, 2007; Harris, 2003; Mullen 1995). All the studies cited above, under the definition of jealousy gives us evidence for the good and bad sides of romantic jealousy. However, most researchers now are in the favor of a multidimensional approach in order to clearly understand how jealousy is conceptualized and experienced. (Bevan Samter, 2004; Buunk, 1991, 1997; Buunk Dijkstra, 2006; Harris, 2009; Pfeiffer Wong, 1989; Salovey, 1991; Sharpsteen, 1991). Bringle et al. (2007) put forward the transactional model of jealousy, which is a multidimensional approach that defines two types of jealousy. First the suspicious type and second the reactive type. Suspicious type of jealousy comprises of feelings, behaviors and thoughts that are experienced when major cases that would usually arouse jealousy are absent. In addition, someone experiencing features like high levels of anxiety, insecurity about their relationship and doubt describes suspicious jealousy. The reactive type is however different from the suspicious type of jea lousy. This kind of jealousy occurs when one partner has learned that his partner has betrayed him or her. Suspicious jealousy is referred to internal individual factors like low self-confidence and insecurity, while reactive jealousy is related to exogenous factors that come from the relationship and society. Scholars Buunk (1991,1997), White and Mullen (1989) identified three components of jealousy: Emotional Jealousy, Cognitive Jealousy and Behavioral Jealousy. Emotional Jealousy Series of studies have concentrated on the emotional component of jealousy. Emotional jealousy comprises of an affective reaction to a real or an imagined threat to a valued relationship (Theiss Solomon, 2006). Emotional arousal embraces negative feelings such as anxiety, discomfort, anger, fear, insecurity, and upset (Guerrero, Eloy, Jorgensen, Andersen, 1993; Sharpsteen, 1993; Sharpsteen Kirkpatrick, 1997). Depending on the situations, emotional jealousy may also include feelings of sadness, guilt and envy (Guerrero, Trost, Yoshimura, 2005; White Mullen, 1989). Emotional jealousy refers to how someone feels when his or her partner is flirting with someone else, kissing or hugging someone of the opposite sex or how that person feels when he or she learns that somebody else is dating his or her partner. Cognitive jealousy Several studies have analyzed the role of cognition in jealousy, which includes the appraisal of threat to a relationship (Fitness Fletcher, 1993; Harris, 2003a; Nannini Meyers, 2000). The repeated thoughts of anxiousness, doubts and suspicions someone has about his or her partners potential infidelity and external relationships characterize cognitive jealousy (Theiss Solomon, 2006). It involves someone who is obsessed by mistaken beliefs, worries and suspicions about rivals to a valued romantic relationship. Cognitive jealousy implies the construction of elaborate cognitive scenarios that result in biases toward perceiving relational threats and misunderstanding of the partner’s behavior (Rydell Bringle, 2007). Examples of cognitive jealousy include a person always imagining a romantic partner as disloyal, interpreting the way their partner interact with the opposite sex as flirting, or comparing oneself incessantly with a potential romantic rival. Behavioral jealousy Behavioral jealousy was defined by Pfeiffer and Wong (1989) as the â€Å"detective/protective measures a person takes when relationship rivals (real or imaginary) are perceived† (p. 184). Jealous behaviors may be expressed in many ways however; the purpose to either protect the relationship or notice potential threats to the relationship is what they have in common. The goal of someone who expresses behavioral jealousy is to ensure that intimacy does not take place between ones partner and a third party. Examples of behavioral jealousy include being inquisitive, checking up on one’s partner, searching his or her belongings, mobile phones, making uncomplimentary statements about the rival, or trying to come in between the partner and rival when they are engaged in conversation. According to this definition, spying or surveillance of one’s partner would consist of a more severe form of behavioral jealousy. White (1981) viewed such behaviors as ways to manage emotions, especially as jealousy is more probable to occur for individuals who are in committed relat ionships than for individuals who are in an open relationships or singles (Pines Aronson, 1983; White Mullen, 1989). A study done by Theresa Hurton (2011), who looks at the relationship between social network site Facebook and how it impacts college romantic relationships, found that there is a positive correlation between checking Facebook daily and presence of jealousy in romantic relationships. Other scholars for example Muise et al (2009) conducted a study that reveals a significant association between time spent on Facebook and jealousy related feelings and behaviors experienced on Facebook. Nowadays Facebook is known to almost all people in the world, it is a new phenomenon and I think most people have a personal Facebook account, be it youngsters or adults. It has become one of the largest procrastinating tools’ for almost everyone. Despite the good sides that Facebook has, one example is that it provides the ease of communication, it does bring along some notorious effects, and one of them is that it may put romantic relationships at risk of breaking by inducing jealousy feelings in couples according to the literature.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cuban Missile Crisis. Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Cuban Missile Crisis: The Events Before, During, and After Let the record show that our restraint is not inexhaustible. Should it ever appear that the inter-American doctrine of noninterference merely conceals or excuses a policy of nonaction - if the nations of this hemisphere should fail to meet their commitments against outside Communist penetration - then I want it clearly understood that this Government will not hesitate in meeting its primary obligations, which are to the security of our Nation. Should the time ever come, we do not intend to be lectured on " intervention " by those whose character was stamped for all time on the bloody streets of Budapest. ( Address by President Kennedy, 20 April 1961, " The Lesson of Cuba, " Department of State Publication No. 7185. ) During the post World War II years, the United States was involved in a continuing conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The differences in democratic and communistic views led to most of this struggle. Although there was no direct military conflict, a climax of military tension was reached during the Cuban Missile Crisis. What exactly happened and what were the causes and effects of this historical event filled with diplomatic as well as militarial tension? In order to fully understand the Cuban Missile Crisis, the events previous to it must be established as they were extremely relevant to the situation. Prior to the twentieth century, Americans had a favorable relationship with the Russians. However, in the late nineteenth century, c. 1890, America and Russia began to disagree and quarrel over certain situations and questions that arose over Asia. This point in history can be labeled as the " beginning " of our feud with Russia ( Cold War Encarta ). Relations began to become troubled at this point, but there was hope for possible resolution. Unfortunately, in 1917 a group of people known as Communists seized power of the government in Russia and established the Soviet Union. The Communists' primary political party was called the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks wanted very much to propagate their ideas to small and new countries in Asia and in Europe. However, capitalistic nations in the west also wanted to spread their political views. Due to this clash in political beliefs, the Bolsheviks, and the rest of the Soviet Union, declare... encounter to a full scale nuclear war. If it had not been for our strong president and the fearlessness of America as a whole, the world might be a drastically different place today. Thankfully, though, it is not and due to the almost non-existent threat of communism in today's world it will probably not radically change in the years to come. Works Cited Abel, Elie. The Missile Crisis. New York City, New York: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1966. Cook, Fred. The Cuban Missile Crisis. New York City, New York: Franklin Watts Inc., 1972. " Cold War. " Encarta 1996: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corporation. 1996. " Cuban Missile Crisis. " Encarta 1996: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corporation. 1996. LaFeber, Walter. " Cold War. " Encarta 1996: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corporation. 1996. Partington, Angela, ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Schulzinger, Robert. " The End of the Cold War. " OAH Magazine of History ( 1994 ): 13-18. SIRS CD-ROM. SIRS Inc. 1996. Trease, Geoffery. This is Your Century. New York City, New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World Inc., 1965.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Harsh Treatment of Women in Afghanistan Essay -- Culture

The Harsh Treatment of Women in Afghanistan Since the tragedies of September 11th 2001, Americans have really opened their eyes to the political state of Afghanistan. The poor treatment of women in Afghanistan is an issue that, for many Americans, just seems to be coming to light as a serious concern that requires outside attention. Extreme Islamic leaders in the country persist in limiting the freedom that Afghan women have. Women in the Taliban-controlled country suffer unusually hideous acts of torment and are forced to abide by outrageous regulations because of stringent enforcement methods. Afghan women daily live lives restricted by Taliban law and risk having to endure cruel punishment and torture, yet Afghan political leaders continue to justify the their treatment of Afghan women. The Islamic women of Afghanistan are denied many of the same liberties that Americans take for granted everyday. Although the religion that they have faith in, according to Janelle Brown’s â€Å"Terror’s First Victims†, â€Å"guarantee[s] women status in society as individuals and religious d...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Target Corporation’s Supply Chain Management

Target Corporation Supply Chain Assignment Target’s Supply Chain Unit 2 Assignment GB570 Managing the Value Chain Dr. Rita Gunzelman Kaplan University December 12, 2011 Target’s Supply Chain The purpose of this paper is to show evidence of cohesive knowledge of the supply chain and how it works by the exploration of Target Corporation’s supply chain.Target, one of the nations largest retail chains, first opened in 1962 in Minnesota as key leadership were looking for new ways to move from a family-run (The Dayton Family) department store to a mass market national chain strengthening customer relationships by appealing to value-oriented shoppers in quest of a higher-quality experience. Today, Target operates approximately 1750 stores (including nearly 240 SuperTarget stores) in 49 states with Gregg Steinhafel as their CEO. We will review the effectiveness of Target’s supply chain and analyze if it meets the necessary expectations of their demand chain. Targe t, 2011) Overview of Target’s Supply Chain Target, the 2nd largest discount-retailer in the U. S. has focused on their slogan, â€Å"Expect More Pay Less† and strategizes to increase optimal value and growth for global networking, an exclusive upscale and trendy product line, and value added service that creates a distinctive niche throughout the world. This multi-billion dollar company set out to change how consumers thought about discount shopping by offering a more upscale shopping experience.In 1998, Target purchased Associated Merchandising Corporation (AMC) as part of the development of their global service network in efforts to offer products at more competitive prices and survive one of their biggest competitors, Walmart. Target and its founders have always focused on constantly reducing costs, improving sales, adopting efficient and competent distribution and logistics management systems while using sophisticated and cutting-edge information technology (IT) sy stems—thus creating the makings for an efficient supply chain management system.Components of Target’s supply chain that will be evaluated include product and service specs, order processing and management, evaluation of delivery options, procurement, inventory management, processing/manufacturing, and transportation (Target, 2011; Walters and Rainbird, 2007). Product and Service Specification Target believes in a differentiated approach to set them apart from their direct competitors and provide products and services based on what their customer needs and wants.They begin by offering customers a more upscale shopping experience that makes shopping easier in stores that are always clean and attractive with more trend-forward merchandising at lower costs. For added value and convenience for the customers the development of new store prototypes birthed where they are offering more than just a general merchandise store with pharmacy, photo processing center, Food Avenue r estaurants, but a grocery store with fresh produce and quality food items, Target. om website, an optical department, their own credit card, more exclusive deals with various name brands and designers, and sell more gift cards than any other retailer in the country. Also, unlike Walmart, Target does not sell firearms (real or toy firearms that look real) or tobacco products. As well, Target does not promote services or items on their public address system or use music in its stores.All of this, with a highly contemporary design, signage, and graphics enhances the attractiveness and appeal of the store along with knowledgeable and well-dressed employees (who are referred to as Team Members) attract a different type of customer or â€Å"Guests† than that of Target’s direct competitors. Target tends to attract a younger, affluent, educated, and fashion-forward customer. Order Processing and Management To further deliver on Target’s Brand Promise and optimize their supply chain network, leveraging cutting-edge logistics technologies to drive service and meet the needs of the guests cost-effectively and efficiently is critical.With great leadership and effective management, Target prepares, plans, and delivers the guests what they want, where they want it, and when they want it (whether customer purchases online or in store) via analyzing, developing, and implementing successful supply chain strategies and initiatives. This is done by coordinating activities from Finance, Merchandising, Distribution, transportation, and stores. Senior leadership will be addressed with additional opportunities, alternative solutions, and anticipated benefits via the internal systems, company infrastructure, and streamlining.Value Delivery Options In efforts to enable Target to deliver more value to their customers and shareholders, Target, a Partners Online Website is utilized as a vehicle to communicate to Target’s Partners business- critical information that ultimately elevate performance, speed, and accuracy while maximizing profitability within the supply chain. Due to the ability of cutting expenses, Target provides customers with high-quality merchandise at low margins.In addition, with over 1700 stores globally and more than 300,000 employees, Target offers continued customer relations improvement and greater guest experiences through their product life-cycle whether receiving assistance in stores or online. (Target, 2011; Walters and Rainbird, 2007) Procurement Target takes seriously the need to provide efficiency and opportunity in this area with the use of internal consultants who ensures performance improvements of safety and quality, driving service, and strong financials.For example, due to the high costs of fuel in today’s challenging economy, Target and their Logistics Management Team across the country to re-calculate and strategize the impact and develop alternatives to continue low costs that are passed on t o their customers. As a result, Target will keep goods moving on the cheapest forms of transportation whether via all-water, railroad, or transload methods for as long as possible to minimize exposure to high-fuel expenses (Target, 2011; Tirschwell, 2008). Inventory ManagementTarget has developed and caters to the needs of each individual store through their sophisticated technology and Online IT systems. In-stock improvements are supported for efficiency, speed, and profitability with excellent tracking and communication systems (Target, 2011). Processing Target focuses on continued improvements of their customer’s product life-cycle starting at set-up to the delivery of the product by managing process improvements, organizational support, consistent measurement, and technology updates.This global focus helps the Distribution Centers maintain the grounds, equipment and systems, and buildings as well as as providing the leadership and facility operations processes it requires . Transportation To ensure Target meets the needs of their guests effectively and cost efficiently, they manage their overall supply chain to provide the fastest and shortest routes and create a team that has a direct and vital connection between internal purchasing, distribution centers and stores, and their import warehouses. Assessment of Supply Chain EfficiencyMy assessment of the efficiency of Target’s supply chain based upon your review above and the reference materials provided in this unit is that Target has a very effective supply chain. They provide a high value proposition as it pertains to their products, suppliers, distribution, and manufacturing and service systems. The focus of value, quality, cost reduction, network optimization, and profitability was delivered in a cost and time efficient manner and re-strategized their plan if it did not. (Target, 2011; Walters and Rainbird, 2007). Relationship of Supply Chain to Demand ChainI believe Target’s supply chain successfully supports its demand chain. Target focuses on their customer’s needs and wants and let their market knowledge determine working relationships with suppliers, employees, and customers. Therefore, the focus is primarily on customers and product service and offering, exclusivity, quality, and affordability while increasing performance and adding value. This differentiation is an integral factor in seeking a competitive advantage. Target provides efficiency in their processes to ensure customer satisfaction by having state of the art technology that’s fast and efficient.Target supports partnership and flexibility in efforts to foster growth and sustainability. Target has great customer relations management as well supplier relationship management, which overlaps and makes for a more efficient and effective management (Target, 2011; Walters and Rainbird, 2007). Conclusion Target’s supply chain management practices effectively met the needs of their demand chain. This resulted in increased efficiency in customer value, offering of quality products and services, and optimal effectiveness in operations and customer service.The use of excellent strategies with customer and value focus will ensure Target will continue to create sustainable competitive advantage that separates it from the evident competitive activities of their direct competitor. This will guarantee Target has a strong market position, increased profitability, and contribute to their ongoing success. References Misra, H. , & Choudhary, K. (2010). Opportunities and challenges for ICT mediated innovations in a development oriented value chain: The case of Jaipur Rugs Company.Vilakshan: The XIMB Journal of Management, 7(2), 21-48. Target. (2011). Retrieved on December 13, 2011 from http://sites. target. com/site/en/company/page. jsp? contentId=WCMP04-031316. Tirschwell, P. (2008). The Journal of Commerce: Target reconsiders supply-chain strategy. Retrieved on December 13, 2011 from http://www. ittc. com/uploadedfiles/News/07_14_08_target_reconsiders_supply_strategy. pdf. Walters, D. , & Rainbird, M. (2007). Strategic operations: A value chain approach. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.